Our Partners

At Cricom, we believe that collaboration is essential to effective risk management and crisis communication.

That's why we have built a network of trusted partners and collaborators, including experienced journalists, legal and cyber security experts, research professionals, and more.

Our partners help us to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and effective risk management and crisis communication services possible.

By working together, we are able to offer our clients a wide range of expertise and resources, including:

  • Journalistic expertise: Our team includes experienced journalists who understand the media landscape and can help our clients navigate even the most complex media relations, interviews, and public relations issues.

  • Legal expertise: We work closely with legal experts who can provide our clients with guidance on legal issues related to crisis management and reputation protection.

  • Cyber security expertise: Our partners include cyber security experts who can help our clients to anticipate and mitigate potential cyber security threats.

  • Research expertise: We collaborate with research professionals who can provide our clients with in-depth analysis and insights into potential risks and vulnerabilities.

By working with a diverse range of professionals and organizations, we are able to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and effective risk management and crisis communication services possible.

At Cricom, we believe that collaboration is the key to success in today's fast-paced and interconnected world.